Keeping CHAOS Running and Growing

The Board of Directors is comprised of people who are devoted to the club emotionally, physically, mentally, intellectually, and socially. What they really offer is ideas, encouragement, making connections, giving the club direction, and community building initiatives. Beyond just keeping the brewhouse running and stocked, board members enthusiastically and energetically promote the club’s mission (which is, first and foremost, education and community involving home and craft brew).

Ways You Can Contribute

Brewhouse Maintenance – It takes a team effort to keep the brewhouse running, and we need people dedicated to routine maintenance and cleaning. The grain store also needs to be monitored and continually restocked. We have a lot of equipment to maintain, and research is needed for acquiring new items that enhance our brewing experience (while staying in budget).

Education – We learn a tremendous amount brewing together, and board members should strive to supervise at least 2-3 intro brews a year. Directors should also organize group brews and competitions to engage members and create opportunities for collaboration. For those with expertise in advanced brewing techniques, we need classes and workshops that help bring in new people and enable everyone to become better brewers.

Events & Fundraising – By helping to plan and organize our four seasonal parties, you ensure the club is raising funds and growing our community base. Getting more Friend and Trial members to come to events helps the club thrive, and we need people that can motivate friends, coworkers, and family to become members. We also encourage hosting new events, participating in festivals, and establishing collaborations that extend our outreach to local craft beer enthusiasts.

Strategy & Planning – The board of directors works with the executive officers to ensure the club stays on mission and on budget. We have private channels to discuss club business and make decisions, and we meet the second Tuesday of every month. Our annual retreat for officers and directors allows us to identify goals and plan initiatives for the upcoming year.

What’s Expected of You

You must be present at a minimum of 9 (out of 12) monthly board meetings (attendance may be via telephone, i.e., someone who is present putting you on speaker phone). It is also vital that you attend the annual retreat as that is where we set the agenda for the year.

You hold a valuable position. We need all cylinders firing to keep CHAOS moving forward. You must contribute time and energy continually and substantially to the benefit of the club. 

This has never been invoked, but according to our bylaws: Directors can, should, and will be subject to removal “with or without cause” by simple majority vote of the other board of directors. If you are not “pulling your weight”, you could be voted off the island.

Daunted? Relax, have a home brew!

You don’t need to do everything, just helping in one or two core categories can have an amazing impact. The club functions best when many people are engaged lending their personal skills to achieve our common goals.

Your first step is accepting a nomination or nominating yourself. You will then need to be ready to make a speech at the annual election before we all vote. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.