Water nerds

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Canuck's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Water nerds

What can you tell me about Ottawa's water from this report?  I don't know what I should be looking for?2017_WQ Summary Table_Lemieux.pdf

2017 Annual Report-Lemieux.pdf

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Bill, Ottawa has a couple

Bill, Ottawa has a couple different treatment plants, so it depends on where you get your water, but the first link is the one you want:

Here are the stats you are particularly interested in to put into a water calculator of some sort. I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong), that mg/L and ppm are interchangeable:

pH 9.39 (don't worry if this seems high, dropping pH in soft water is easy)

Calcium 9.4 mg/L

Chloride 7 mg/L

Magnesium 2.4 mg/L

Sulphate 24 mg/L

Sodium 19.4 mg/L

Hardness 24 mg/L CaCO3

Ok so what we can take away from this is that Ottawa water is soft as shit. What does this mean? Well you're in luck, because it means you don't need to remove anything, but rather just add some salt.

You're going to want to invest in about $5 in Calcium Chloride and $5 in Calcium Sulphate. I would shoot for adding about 1 gram/gallon total of a combination of the two, depending on the beer you're going for. Feel free to shoot me a message or ask on the Slack if you want some guidance here.

The only thing I"m unsure of is that Chloramine count. While chlorine is easy to remove from water because it's crazy volatile, I don't know if that 1.8 mg/L is within the taste threshold for chloramin, so you might need to do some research (or just buy a pack of campden tablets). I would ask Kyle about this one.


Canuck's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Thanks James.  The Lemieux

Thanks James.  The Lemieux plant is the one that supplies our water.

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Last seen: 4 days 9 hours ago
Alchemist, member since


Are all Canadian water plants named after hockey players or vice versa?

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 4 days 4 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Yeah, that's some seriously

Yeah, that's some seriously soft water. Campden will instantly volatize chlorine and chloramine (I don't see the latter on the report - but I could be missing it), but the easist thing to do really is taste the water (though the 1.8 ppm seems like it's low). 

Also, I only give advice on Mario Lemieux-plant water. If it has anything to do with Claude, it can go F right off. ;)