Great party, thanks for everyones help!

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JamesLewis's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Great party, thanks for everyones help!

Hello CHAOS,

Thanks to everyone who helped make Cerveza de Mayo a resounding success! It was a great party with excellent beer, tasty food, and wonderful company.

I would like to especially thanks Chuck, Steven, Jim, Conrad, and Lucas for stepping up and putting in the effort to make it run so smoothly. I would like to thank everyone who contributed beer and food, and all those who volunteered for setup, cleanup, bartending, and serving. The success of the event is 100% thanks to your efforts.

Our membership appreciation parties have such a strong positive impact on the community of CHAOS. They give us a time a location to all get together, foster our bonds, and showcase our talents. I think we owe a lot of the success of CHAOS to these events. 

The events are also important to our fundrasing goals. The proceeds fro the events go directly to building our reserves and upgrading the brewhouse. We do not use any of the funds to cover monthly expenses, monthly expenses are covered 100% by membership fees.

Stout night allowed us to get the carboy washers and allocated funds to upgrade the fermentation room (we will be doing some significant upgrades over the course of the summer.)  

Thanks to Cerveza de Mayo we will be getting an in line hot water heater so we can have hot water for leaning and 140* on demand water for brewing. This should cut time out of everyone's brew day.

From future events we are looking to get two more Blichmann burners and start to look at brew stands.

Thanks to everyone or making CHAOS and our events a success!
