Beer in the Woods

Jeff W's picture
Saturday, September 30, 2017 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Foster & Cicero LaBagh Woods, Grove 2
60646 Chicago , IL

Friends of the Forest Preserves presents Beer in the Woods, a fundraiser featuring craft beer and cider, at LaBagh Woods on the north side of Chicago.

Admission includes unlimited beer tastings from 30 breweries, rare beer tent hosted by Goose Island Brewery, an engraved beer mug, live music, live animal displays, home brewing demonstrations, bird walks, and more!

VIP ticket holders enjoy one hour early admission and catering sponsored by Whole Foods at the VIP Pavilion.

Local food trucks will be available on site.

All proceeds will be used for Friends’ advocacy, Conservation Corps, and community building initiatives. Please note that all ticket sales are final. There will be no refunds. This event will take place rain or shine.

Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
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