We're coming to the close of another beer filled year at CHAOS. During 2018, we've had four killer parties that raised funds for the club, two internal club competitions, experimented with a Belgian pop-up, brought the Chicagoland homebrew community together with BrewBQ, served at five charity beer festivals, ran Jay Gowdy out of town, won first place at Hoptacular, had a member score a gold medal in the NHC, held a number of beer classes at the brewhouse (including a coninuing education course with Daley College), and a ton of other stuff I'm most certainly forgetting.
As with every year, it's time to celebrate how awesome we all are with our annual holiday party!!
We will have a CHAOS Christmas party and bottle share on Saturday, December 8 at 6:30 PM. We'll have a potluck for food and members can bring something out of their stashes to share with the group.
We will also be giving back as we have in years past. This year we will be donating to Essence House Women's Residential Home. People coming off the street lack much of this stuff and the need is great. So we're going to be collecting as much as we can to make people feel some comforts of home again. New unopened packages of socks (wool or cotton), shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, pads, tampons, soap, and razors are all needed.
We're also holding a Secret Santa for everyone to gift beer or beer related items.
You don't have to attend the party to participate in the charity donations and Secret Santa gift exchange.
Here are the Secret Santa and potluck sign-up sheet links:
the date!! More info to follow, but it will be like prior years: friends & family, potluck, bottle share, Secret Santa, and underwear/toiletries drive.