Michigan Brewery/Brewpub Tour

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moneypennychi77's picture
Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
Michigan Brewery/Brewpub Tour

Hey everyone, I am co-organizer for a SW Michigan Beer Day Tour on Saturday 10/25. Transportation to/from the city and lodging arrangements are your own responsiblity. Cost if we fill the charter bus is $45/pp which includes charter for the day and amenities on the bus (snacks, ice, coolers, etc). We will spend time at Bell's, Dark Horse, Arcadia, and some possible "free" time in downtown Kalamazoo to check out other places. Tour leaves from McCamly Plaza hotel in Battle Creek. You can get more details here: http://www.meetup.com/Loop-happy-hour/events/203606902/. Respond here or message me on Meetup with questions or to RSVP. This is a fun group of beer lovers mostly in our 30's and 40's, but all are welcome!